Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How to Lose 10 lbs in one week!*

Well, it's over. Christmas is done and something very terrible has happened; my coat shrunk. I'm not sure how this happened. Could it be the bulky new sweater I got? Is it to blame? After watching "The Santa Claus" with Tim Allen, I had a quick flash that maybe I had been chosen to be the new Mrs. Santa Claus, and I was being bulked up to fit the role? Nope. I really doubt it. I must admit, it's true, I've "put on". I have to face the facts.  So as I was thinking about New Year's Resolutions and  my strategy on how I'm going to lose the weight, I thought I would share my insights... so here we go...

Top 6 ways to lose 10lbs in one week.  Well, this title might be misleading. *disclaimer: Really, this is How to feel like you lost 10lbs ... but wow, I sure got your attention!

#6 Clean something that is a big mess. I don't care if it is your garage, your desk, a drawer or whatever. Don't you feel like you have lost weight after organizing something that has been a big mess in your life?  It's a great way to lose the weight on your mind! And my guess, it will also keep you out of the cookie jar!

#5 Complete your to-do list.   Women in general need to "take a page" from the book of most men. Have you not seen their to-do lists? They are usually a 1-inch long piece of paper torn off of a used envelope and there are 3 important things written on it. Most women I know (including me) have a full size sheet of paper and list 25 things on it. Remember, keep it short and important, and no putting showering or brushing teeth on your to-do list either. And exercise being on the list ... could help a little too?

#4 Pay your bills. Schedule a weekly time to pay your bills, and check in on your finances.  The worst feeling is paying a late fee because you forgot to sit down and schedule things. I personally love Quicken and online bill pay - it really helps me to stay ahead of the game. And if it ever happens that you paid too many bills and now you don't have money to go out, CALL ME and I will give you a great healthy recipe to make for dinner!

#3 Buy clothes that fit you. This will help you LOOK like you lost 10lb. Best tip, shop at the Good-Will store. I know you are all saying "I don't want to buy ANYTHING until I am the weight I want to be!" Ya, I know, I've said it. But seriously, tight clothes, don't do you any favors. You have to sift through some odd stuff at Good-Will, but jeans for $6 in a size that fits you?  That is the way to go. ALSO remember, when you lose all that weight you are going to lose, you can re-donate them back to Good-Will and then take the tax write off for it!

#2  Get a great new haircut! I really think that it's a good strategy! It may only result in a 1-2 lb loss, depending on how long your hair is, but wow, you will look and feel so good! And a tip on the same line from my mom- SMILE. Whenever you aren't feeling good about yourself, SMILE, it will distract them from your trouble spots! (I may have paraphrased... sorry Mom!)

#1 Fatten your friends. I know it seems harsh, but really, if people would only get fatter around you, you would feel way better, right?

So I think to summarize what we have learned here, is that for our New Year's resolutions we need to keep it short, sweet, organized and looking good.  And I better dash, I have a turtle fudge skillet cake I'm about to pull out of the oven... want to come over for a slice?