Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It's not all roses...

I was just reading a Facebook post by a colleague. This was someone who was needing a pick me up after a show-gone-bad. I believe one of the show's low-lights had something to do with screaming children running around her in circles during the demonstration. If you have ever had a host say to her guests, "just bring the kids!" it can be kind of a crapshoot. It reminded me though that there are a lot of jobs that have "those moments." How about Day Care Providers, Dairy Queen Owners, Teachers, Pediatricians, Magicians, Photographers and Clowns, just to name a few? Dance instructors, Camp Directors, Dental Hygienists and Youth Ministers... I'm sure they have had their fair share of moments gone awry!

One of my friends got into a debate about the Teacher strikes in Chicago and it got a bit heated. Some were pro and some were con and some of the comments were just plain ugly. I think the lowest point in the debate  (after the name calling) was the grammar corrections. Seriously? Grammar corrections on a FB post?  The whole thing reminded me that what's important to remember is there are drawbacks to each person's job, and hopefully they are paid accordingly.It's not our place to judge and compare. While I agree with the "none of us have it easy" attitude, I also fully support the right to fight for your benefits. One of my friends works in the inner-city where many children come from abusive homes or homes where the parents don't support anything the school is trying to accomplish. But seeing the rewards of helping mold and inspire someone living in that situation might make that worth it. But why would I deny her the right to fight for her benefits? Ya, I wouldn't go there.

Now, me I prefer to spread cream cheese on a crescent roll and help spread the mission of family meal time through the sale of vegetable peelers. Don't judge. So yes, I still go in to the house that has 15 Little Tikes Climbers in the front yard, or the third floor apartment with no elevator. And if i get up the nerve to rally all my workers for better pay, benefits or conditions, back off, ok?  God Bless America!