Monday, September 26, 2011

Dumb Question?

Call it what you want, we all have asked them, and we all have heard them. Sometimes we can blame it on inexperience, or a "brain fart" ... and some of them we just have a good laugh over.Here are a few, let's call them "Silly" questions that struck me funny:

We have a $1 recipe book that I call the "dollar cookbook". And people ask me all the time "how much is that "dollar cookbook?" 
I had someone call me and say, "I'm in the cake mix aisle at the store, but I can't find any CUPCAKE mixes. Where are they located?"
"I bought a cutting board, and it's getting CUT MARKS in it when i use it, is it defective?"
"How do you pre-heat the oven?" (ok, she was 12)

Dumb questions are often funny, but dumb acts can sometimes really throw you for a loop!   Most of the "dumb acts" that happen to me or my team tend to be more forgetfulness or inexperience.  Alright, a lot of these are mine... and you already know some of them...

Chopping your avocado with a food chopper and not knowing there is a pit in the middle.
Chopping the peel of your onion and adding it to your recipe.
Putting our plastic microwave pot on the burner and turning on a flame at a party! It's plastic!
Putting a Stainless Bowl with silicone on the bottom on the open flame burner. Melted silicone makes a terrible mess!
Going to a party and forgetting to bring your tools.
Going to a party and forgetting to bring your catalogs.
Going to a party and forgetting to bring the address of where you are going.

If you want to be successful in direct sales one of the top skills you must have is being able to improvise, especially if you (or your hosts) are forgetful.

Forget your tools? Who and where can you borrow some from?
Forget your books? Where can you find even ONE book everyone can share!
Forget the ingredients (or host buys the wrong ones)? Find a recipe that you can make that you HAVE the right ingredients for.

Forget your prizes, think of something else you can give away -like free shipping, or candy from your purse.

Forget the address? Hope that you didn't forget your phone.
Forget your phone? Stop by a cell phone store.
Forget your brain? Just fake it.

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